So along with another classmate I got promoted from green belt to judo brown belt.

This last Tuesday I got promoted to judo brown belt. Nothing feels different though. I still feel like a white belt. Sensei says that it is hard to see your own progress cause everyone else is progressing too.
Beats me.
In promotion everyone lines up and gets to do 3 free throws. You don’t fight you just let them throw you. It’s practice for falling, but it is a lot of throws.
So in about 5-10 minutes I got thrown about…
Let me think…
There were maybe 15-20 students doing throws and they each get to throw 3 times so that’s…
Getting thrown anywhere from 45-60 times in maybe 10 minutes. I sort of dreaded it at first because I remembered last time, but it’s not so bad. Some throw hard, but many don’t.
Judo is hard.
Progress seems slow, but belt promotion is faster than jiu-jitsu. From what I read I think averages for judo might be close to 5 years from white belt to black.
In jiu-jitsu the average is about 10 years from white to black.
I don’t do a lot of judo. I do about 2 days a week and have done so for around three years. Though in the beginning I didn’t do much randori just technique.
I got the photo from CCSF’s judo page.