Frequency beats infrequency

Doing something more often for shorter periods of time in many cases will outweigh doing the same thing less frequently for longer periods of time.

Example 1 – Working out

Working out once a week for two hours is much less effective than working out four times a week for thirty minutes. This will get you in much better shape than the former.

Example 2 – Learning an instrument

Playing the piano, drums, turntable, etc. for twenty minutes a day is more effective than playing once a week for an hour and forty minutes.

Example 3 – Learning a language

Studying Chinese once a week for seven hours is less effective than studying everyday for one.

So to develop a skill in something or to create better habits – do it frequently for a shorter period of time.

Stop Eating Beef

1 pound of beef requires:

  • 1,799 (6,810 liters) gallons of water
  • 6.6 pounds of grain for feed plus irrigation water
  • 36.2 pounds of grass or roughage to eat plus irrigation water
  • 18.6 gallons of additional water for drinking and processing

*taken from National Geographic

It’s simply not efficient. On top of that overgrazing of cattle destroys the environment and causes erosion. And add to that the methane gas that they create which is apparently more powerful than carbon dioxide emissions.

How to stop cold sores

Ever get cold sores (herpes simplex 1)? Have one now? Wanna learn how you can stop them from taking over your mouth? Here is a remedy and you most likely need not go beyond your kitchen to get it.

When I was a kid I would always get them. I got them quite frequently. As I got older I got them less and less. And now a days I get maybe one or two a year, but they don’t get all big and gnarly. I think the main thing is that now that I am older I have developed better habits. I eat good food, exercise and meditate. So maintaining healthy habits and keeping away from stress will help.

When I was young I would try everything in the book to stop them. I would try taking large amounts of vitamin C, zinc and lysine. But that didn’t work. I would apply alcohol and peroxide, but that didn’t work. I would try piercing the little blisters with a needle and then applying peroxide. That didn’t help. I also tried applying Chinese medicines.

Use salt. This is how you do it. You simply need to keep salt on it. As soon as you feel one coming you need to apply salt. And you need to keep it on it always until it’s gone. The salt will dry it up and salt is a natural anti bacterial agent.