Keep Shooting

Whatever it is that you are aiming for remember to keep shooting. Do you remember “if you shoot for the stars you’ll at least hit the moon?” Chances are the more shots you take the more likely you are to hit your target. Doesn’t guarantee you’re going to, but it does make it more likely.

There is now science behind the sport of MMA that proves this so. One trainer has applied math and science to training his fighters. And guess what? It turns out that the fighters who throw the most punches tend to win.

So what’s your goal? Whatever your goal is remember to keep shooting for it.

Who is more superficial men or women?

It’s true that a women’s physical appearance is what attracts a man. I mean look at how much money women spend on improving their appearances. Women intuitively know that. Women with lower waist to hip ratios (hourglass figures) are considered more sexually attractive to men of all cultures. Biologically speaking women with smaller waists and larger hips tend to be more fertile. Men know this intuitively.

Unlike what many women think men are not attracted to skinny emaciated looking women. They are attracted to the hour glass figure. It’s pretty clear that a man is clearly attracted to a woman by her looks and body, but what about women? Are they superficial?

Women are obviously attracted to money and wealth. Aside from money they are also attracted to a man’s status, how many friends he has and his extended self. They are attracted to what a man has created for himself. But are they actually attracted to the man himself?

I don’t think so. There’s biological reasons why a women is attracted to money and there are biological reasons why men are attracted to curvy women. For the women more money equals more resources and better care for her offspring. For the man a sexy women means healthier children and more of them.

Why nearly all women are prostitutes

I am not even sure there is a “nearly,” but perhaps I am saving room for the exceptions. But here’s the rule.

Prostitutes exchange money for sex. Whether it’s $15 or $500 they receive money or in some cases drugs for sex. But you’re probably wondering how other women can be considered prostitutes?

Well, this isn’t a secret or an opinion. Women are attracted to money.

Statistics* from online dating sites show that women choose men based on their income. The more money he has the more attractive he is.

My real world statistics show me the same data. Most of the women I meet care about money. No women is going to sleep in a cardboard box with a man because she is in love. So what’s the difference between the prostitute and your average woman?

On the surface the difference is the number of partners a prostitute has. The average women has one and that’s enough, but if it’s not she’ll look for a new one. That’s just on the surface, but if we look a little deeper…

A prostitute has a job and is getting paid by the hour or project perhaps. Your average woman doesn’t want a job, she wants to sign a contract and commit to a career. She is earning or perhaps seeking a passive income source with benefits – such as a house, car, and other amenities generated by her partner. Now you tell me what’s the difference?

Many feminists think that men forced prostitution upon women. That may be true in some cases, but in many cases women choose prostitution and in some cases they like it. In the early 1900’s in the USA many brothels were run by women, not men.

And according to one study, prostitutes in Chicago working under male pimps made slightly more money, had less violent encounters, and got arrested less often than did prostitutes working alone.

*For more info on these statistics check out Freakonomics.

Or here is another study.

Your brain can’t multitask

Your brain is made to focus on one thing at a time. Technology can multitask, but your brain cannot. For example, talking on your cellphone while driving causes your sight to narrow considerably. It even continues well after you have stopped talking.

“Scientists now know that the brain is incapable of paying attention to two things at the same time. What looks like multitasking is really switching back and forth between multiple tasks which reduces productivity and increases mistakes by up to 50%.” – Ifor Got

Stop watching the news

The news is mainly bad news. The news is only a fraction of what is really going on in the world. Not only is it a fraction it is often skewed in the form of entertainment that plays on your fears.

“I tell people that if it’s in the news, don’t worry about it. The very definition of ‘news’ is something that hardly ever happens.” – security expert Bruce Schneier, from The Unthinkable

The Adsense Reality

Wondering how much money you can make with Adsense? I was there at one time and I can’t tell you how much you will make, but I can tell you my experience with it.

From my point of view

You need a lot of traffic. Actually let me rephrase that. You need gobs and gobs of traffic. I use Adsense on another site and the biggest month that I have had yet is $90.00. As of recent months (last 4) I tend to make anywhere from $60-90.00 a month.

In the last four months I had around 2000 unique visitors on average. So for me I’d estimate that to make a few thousand dollars a month I’d have to get around 30-50,000 unique visitors a month.

Some ads do better than others, but from what I have read I have a fairly average CTR.

So it’s definitely not easy to make money with Adsense. You need a lot of traffic.