Your best bet for them to be successful is for you to be successful yourself. Then they’ll learn by example. To read more about this data and these statistics check out Freakonomics.
The Adsense Reality
Wondering how much money you can make with Adsense? I was there at one time and I can’t tell you how much you will make, but I can tell you my experience with it.
From my point of view
You need a lot of traffic. Actually let me rephrase that. You need gobs and gobs of traffic. I use Adsense on another site and the biggest month that I have had yet is $90.00. As of recent months (last 4) I tend to make anywhere from $60-90.00 a month.
In the last four months I had around 2000 unique visitors on average. So for me I’d estimate that to make a few thousand dollars a month I’d have to get around 30-50,000 unique visitors a month.
Some ads do better than others, but from what I have read I have a fairly average CTR.
So it’s definitely not easy to make money with Adsense. You need a lot of traffic.
Abortion lowers crime
How does abortion lower crime? Well, unwanted children tend to grow up without the best surroundings or the best support which leads to more criminals.
To learn more about these statistics and data check out Freakonomics.
Why you are fat or overweight
The most likely explanation for you being overweight or fat is your habits. If you change your habits you can change your body. So what do you mean by habits?
- Diet – your eating habits
- Activity – your activity habits
The first reason why you are overweight is most likely because of what you are eating. Roughly 2/3 of Americans are overweight. You are likely addicted to sugar, salt and/or fat. You are also likely eating processed foods not found in nature.
The second reason why you are overweight is most likely your lack of activity. You’re likely lazy, possibly watch to much TV and/or just don’t move enough.
The simplest way to get in shape is to change your habits. Your habits have conditioned you. You are a human and humans like other animals must eat things that come from nature. You must eat whole foods that are found in nature. As a human you are designed to move so then you must move. You must be active.
Porn is not bad…
I am not religious and I don’t think that porn is morally wrong. I am not a feminist and nor do I think that their argument is worth much. There is a plethora of porn out there for different tastes. It’s not all the same.
The problem with porn is that it is highly addictive. For more on this check out Your Brain on Porn.
I think I have the authority
“I think I have the authority to approach god directly. I don’t have to go through any religion or train of thought.” – KRS ONE
BMX – Scratching to Non-Phixion, Dj Radar, James Pants & Cut Chemist
A bedroom scratch session over Non-Phixion, Dj Radar, James Pants & Cut Chemist.
BMX – Scratching to Atmosphere
A little bedroom dj scratching over the instrumental to Atmosphere’s “Trying to find a balance.”
Keeping your body calm
“Keeping your body calm despite the chaos that surrounds you is an important part of being resilient…” – K. Reivich & A. Shatte, from the The Resilience Factor
Careful with Astrology
I used to think astrology was very interesting. I would study the charts and the interpretations of aspects, planets, houses and even locational astrology. Even though I thought it was interesting I was still aware that it wasn’t a real science, but I think I wanted to believe in it. I mean it looks real on paper – the charts look so mathematical and scientific looking.
But I think the key piece of information for me was the fact that on paper Western Astrology says that all the signs are 30 degrees. But in actuality they are not all the same distance apart in the sky. They are not all 30 degrees.
The other thing is that you can go to one site and get an interpretation of your Mars in Pisces or your Saturn conjunct Venus. And if you don’t like that one you can go to another site and then another until you find the interpretation that you like best. They don’t agree on everything. Western astrologers don’t all interpret it the same way. And then Western and Eastern astrologers don’t agree.
So basically I think it comes down to an opinion. If you’re looking for an opinion then astrology will give you one, but remember it’s just an opinion. And why would you want to make someone else’s opinion more important than yours? I also remember reading in Psychology Today once that people who believe in Astrology or Tarot often feel that they don’t have control over their lives. There are also better ways of predicting your future.