Snow shaping examples

I’ve been working in the terrain park for the last 4 seasons and I love building jumps and shaping.

Check this before and after of a tank at Cannon. Shot right around the end of 2024 when we got 4 days of rain.

After the snowcat groomed it
After I shaped it with a rake

It’s somewhat rounded Holy Bowly style which is like the sickest park in the world. Check this Holy Bowly vid out.

Making fun stuff on the sides of trails

Then there is the side of the trail where you can sometimes find some fun stuff, but this wall ride I made was initially a pretty solid wall of snow left by the snowcat. A solid wall of snow is kinda dangerous and definitely not fun, but with a little handwork using a shovel I was able to turn it into a fun wallride.

I started knocking the wall down with a shovel.

Could also be turned into a hip style jump easy enough but I left this as a wall ride.

Shaping a long down tube

This was built for a “rail jam” Cannon had. It should have been called a “tube jam” because “rail jam” is so cliche. Every mountain has a rail jam. Call it something different at least!

I am not really a fan of rails (especially skinny ones) maybe PTSD from a fractured collar bone. Rails and boxes are kinda overkill at resorts if you ask me. I like snow features best.

Although, I don’t mind shaping around boxes and rails and I shaped most of this tube including the take off. One other person helped on one side.

I shaped the takeoff which went pretty good but it had chunks of chunder in it which is annoying
It’s a long tube with nice clean sides. This was just in that location for a couple of days.

Another wall turned into wallride

Wallride’s are sick. I love banks. It’s kind of a waste of snow to leave it as a wall when you could fairly easily turn it into a fun bank or jump.

No one can get it on it. Either they run into it or they fall off it which isn’t cool.
Now people can ride up on it and that’s fun.

Cannon Crust

Cannon Crust is it. It’s not a myth it’s the real deal. Cannon is icy. Take it or leave it. All the crust and ice you want is waiting for you.

Here’s a sticker I made. Drew a little picture of the yeti and with some photo editing I made the original Cannon Crust.

If you are interested in some $tickers you can leave a comment or send me an email: ileahy(at)

This is about Cannon mt ski area in Franconia, NH.

I made a stencil of the yeti and put it on this long barrel at Cannon too. He said take a hike cause he wants to keep Cannon all to himself.

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Fee fi fo fum… Universal income

Here’s a new video I made. Been working on it for a few weeks.

It was fun making the beat. It was very simple. I found this online drum machine called the Sampulator. It had some cool 808 style beats.

In the past I’ve messed around with Garageband which is sort of like cutting and pasting musical tracks together. IDK. It serves a purpose but there is no drum machine.

The drum machine is cool I like the idea of touching a key and sound coming out. No, not a piano sound, a beat.

I think in the future I will play around with some of these online drum machines or it would be cool to actually get one or if I could create one???

I made the mask out of paper mache, a vacuum cleaner hose, glue and bolts I had and a couple of cheap belts I got from the dollar store here.

I have a couple of other ideas for related videos in the future.

Anyways this is a song about universal income.

But it’s not serious it’s just a goofy rhyme.


I’ve had in my mind that over the next year or so I will do 12 or more creative video/music types.  And here is one that I completed recently.

Well, it’s never really completed, but it’s enough for now. I got tired of working on it. Because I had some problem with the clipping and then I would lower it and it was fine in the software (old Garageband) and then export it and then it was distorted and I went round and round with that.

And just decided it’s good enough for now considering my computer and software is like 11 years old.

Maybe be too many tracks for Garageband.

But anyways here is the slow version.

I started off with a song that was one of my favorites from when I was around 12-13 and then took a bit out of it. I changed the speed and then created a new loop and added some samples from elsewhere.

Then the video I had lying around for a long time which seemed kind of fitting and a few pics of old paintings I did. I actually have a bunch of video, kinda creative stuff lying around that I plan on using in the future.


If you keep your head up you can’t get thrown

Haha, this was a funny photo from the CCSF Christmas party, 2018. I made those shirts. I made it for sensei. I remember that he said that once and I thought it was cool.

He might have been describing a specific situation, but I thought it also sounded cool figuratively.

Robert Mendoza and Sensei – If you keep your head up you can’t get thrown – CCSF judo

I made another and added it as a random gift in the party. I am happy that Robert chose it.

How I made it…

I did a drawing of sensei that I found on Facebook on a piece of poster board. Then I made a stencil and stenciled it with a fabric marker onto a T-shirt. It’s kind of low-tech and a bit wabi-sabi.

Not sure if he really liked it, but some people seemed to get a kick out of it.